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Jesus declared our unity when He prayed to the Father (John 17:11).  He made it so by the power of His name.  We need one another to be complete and to complete the assignment we have been given.  This is especialy true of five-fold leadership whom Christ has set in place for the perfecting of the saints.  Below are three Christian leaders with whom the Lord has so graciously allowed me to co-labor for this purpose. Our relationships span years to decades.  I'm honored to receive their endorsements.      Dr. Kathie Eads

Apostle Yolanda Powell -
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Apostle Yolanda Powell

Dominion International Ministries

Spoken Word International

Yolanda Powell Transcontinental

Dunkirk, MD


Apostle Yolanda Powell is a dynamic trainer-equipper, who has been a disciple of Jesus Christ for over 30 years. She moves powerfully in prophetic intercession, wisdom and discernment. Through her marketplace ministry, Yolanda Powell Transcontinental, she is known as a transformational speaker and communications consultant. To learn more about her ministry & marketplace, visit: &

Bishop Mary Everding -
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Bishop Mary R. Everding

Living Manna Ministries

Peru, IN & Ghana, Africa



Bishop Mary R. Everding established Living Manna Ministries in Peru, IN in 2000 and planted the first Living Manna Minstries church in Ghana, Africa in 2004. Since then, several LMM churches have spread across Ghana. In 2013, Bishop Mary established Living Manna Training Center as a Life Christian University extension campus for the development of ministry leaders. To learn more about LMM, visit:

Pastor David Gibson -
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Pastor David Gibson

Charity Church

Indianapolis, IN



Pastor David Gibson was the lead pastor of Charity Church in Indianapolis, IN for over 38 years before passing the baton to the next generation. Pastor Gibson is actively engaged in advancing the Kingdom of God through team ministry opportunities. Considered a pastor's pastor, he is highly regarded for his Godly wisdom and ministry experience. He continues to have global impact through his leadership role with ministry leaders and with Worldwide Missionary Evangelism (WME). To learn more, visit: and

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